Restorative Justice: Pre-Charge Diversion

The police have been called to investigate an incident; in which you were involved. Rather than proceeding with charges, the Investigating Officer has referred you to a Pre-Charge Diversion Program because you have ACCEPTED RESPONSIBILITY for your part in the incident. You are being referred to a Restorative Justice Program instead of the formal court process.

If you would like an opportunity to seek legal counsel, please either contact a lawyer or Legal Aid Ontario for general legal advice at 1-800-668-8258.

You will be meeting with the Pre-Charge Diversion Liaison. They will provide you with information about the Restorative Justice/Direct Accountability options available to you. You must be prepared to participate in the program you have selected.

You may be referred to one of the following Programs:

  • Nishnawbe-Aski Legal Services (NAN Legal)
  • Fort William First Nation
  • Nokiiwin Tribal Council
  • Thunder Bay Indigenous Friendship Centre
  • John Howard Society of Thunder Bay

To Set up an appointment or for more information, contact our Pre-Charge Diversion Liaison Officer at (807) 474-4230