Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Justice Support Program

The FASD justice support program will provide services to Indigenous people who may be impacted by FASD.

The program can help individuals with:

  • diversion programs assessment
  • diagnosis through referrals
  • one-on-one and family support
  • cultural activities

The program can help with adults in the criminal justice system suspected of having FASD or have been diagnosed.

  • reintegration planning
  • justice system navigation
  • case management

The FASD Coordinator can:

  • Arrange for the assessment and diagnosis of individuals suspected of having FASD
  • Assist individuals suspected of FASD navigate the justice system
  • Provide advocacy for the family / caregiver and identify community support
  • Provide FASD information to interested parties.
  • Facilitate cultural, spiritual and life skills activities.
  • Assist with reintegration planning.

Anyone can refer a client to the FASD Justice Program. Referral sources include Police, Defence Counsel, Duty Counsel, Crown Attorney, Probation Officer, Indigenous Court Worker, Community Service Providers, Support / Social Workers, Self-Referral, or family members.

For more information about Nokiiwin's FASD Justice Support Program, Please contact Cell: (807) 621-7310 or email: fasd@nokiiwin.com